Dueling Mandates in Yellowstone

Almost 80% of Yellowstone is forest. Summer of severe drought ,lightning caused fires are common, although most summers are quiet cool and wet.In summer like 1988,thousands of acres may burn, even if the fires are fought.People don’t like forest fires, because they disrupt vacations.They change the look of the park, and may spread outside the park. Despite the disadvantages, the Yellowstone ecosystem needs fires to stay healthy.It sometimes helps make landscape people like to see.How to solve this is Yellowstone needs fires to stay healthy, fires help build the landscape people like to see.Sometimes it helps grow trees.The fires can be bad in yellowstone, they can burn down a lot of the woods. They can be harmful to the environment and to the animals.

Gabby Douglas

Gabby Douglas was born on December 31,1995. She is % foot 2 inches. She is not tall, she has curly hair, and she is muscular. Gabby has won 2 gold medals in her life.She was the first African American to win the individual all- around event.We are alike because she does gymnastics and so do I. How we are different she has been to the Olympics I haven’t. She is a hard worker and a contortionist.
Source: wikipedia